Anyways, the Holy Ghost really is the best teacher! One of my favorite learning experiences this week was when Sister Marshall and I were walking past a bus stop and as we were walking by we decided to talk to this lady that was waiting for the bus. As we approached her I started handing her a pass along card she started signaling to us that she is deaf. She couldn't hear us. So we grab a Book of Mormon out of our bags. Sister Marshall started to write a note for her in the cover and I sat next to her and started passing her notes asking her name and getting to know her. As we handed her the Book of Mormon she looked so happy that we didn't let words be the reason we didn't share the message with her. I have never felt the spirit so strong as I did when we were with her. We walked away crying because we knew that the spirit taught her something better than we could have with our words.
I hit one year this week! I can't believe it! Feels like such a small amount of time, but like so much has happened. We were in Santarém for our divisions. The sisters decorated with some balloons to celebrate my one year in the mission.
On wednesday and Thursday I got to work with Sister Marcedo. It was great to learn from her and find out ways I can be a better missionary and help my area here in Coimbra.
This week all of our appointments with A-e fell through and so we went over to her house and heart attacked her door! And we got to see her at church:)
So the time change happened here on Saturday night. SO GUESS WHAT THAT MEANS! Our mission President surprised us and let us stay out one more hour to work! Sister Marshall and I had a great day and found two more awesome families to teach and so we were so excited to have one more hour to find one more person to teach. We tried to call to see if we could meet with this girl named C-a that we talked to a while ago and right when she answered her phone our phone died! It was 10 at night and we really so badly wanted to make the most of the hour. We prayed and decided to ask these people if we could use their phone. They told us no, I guess we come across a little sketchy;) haha. Then we saw this man looking for something in the grass and we started helping him. He was really cool but we weren't able to help him find his keys, but he let us use his phone. We called C-a but she was busy:(
After that, we decided it was time to go home. As we were walking we saw this lady on a bench. We sat next to her and started talking to her. She had had a really rough day and we were able to testify to her that she has a Savior that knows what she is going through and is there by her side. It was neat to have that experience and once again reminded me of the love that Heavenly Father has for His children and the confidence He has in His missionaries trusting us enough to share the good news.

Bye! Love you! What are your roses?:)
com amor,
Sister Sampson